Introduction to MicroClover
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Is white clover a weed?
If patches of clover spread irregularly in the lawn, it is considered to be unwanted but MicroClover spreads very evenly through the lawn and produces a good result.
With clover in the lawn, is chemical weed killing possible?
White clover is rather resistant and survives some of the herbicides, and is completely resistant to, ie: MCPA. On the other hand we experience lawns without weeds when MicroClover is included as the clover gives the lawn better ability to compete with eventually weeds.
Does adding Clover in the lawn make it slippery?
Any turf will be slippery after rain or irrigation but targeted trials on football fields with MicroClover mixtures has proved they are no more slippery than ordinary grass fields.
White flower heads
MicroClover produces fewer flower heads compared to normal white clover types. Regular mowing of the lawn reduces flower heads significantly.
Flowers attract bees
Lawns mown regularly only contain a few, very young flower heads, with minimal nectar, thus they are not particularly attractive to bees. During the flowering period a lot of other plants in the garden will be flowering and are more likely to attract the bees.
Is White clover susceptible to drought?
No more than most lawns. Grass is even more susceptible if it lacks Nitrogen in the period before drought. Under extreme prolonged drought, the MicroClover could appear to “disappear”, but in fact the stolons survive and will reappear later when there is sufficient water available. MicroClover actually extends the “stay green” period of the lawn in summer.
Does White clover have a poor wear tolerance?
A pure MicroClover lawn will have a similar wear tolerance to the best grass mixtures, but we only produce mixtures with grass seed. Due to its natural supply of Nitrogen, a MicroClover grass mixture will have a better wear tolerance than a lawn with a low input of Nitrogen.
Will MicroClover stain my pants green with close contact to the clovers?
No more so than grass stains from a conventional lawn.
White clover seed is expensive
With only 5% clover in the mixture, the price per m² will not be significantly different, however there are savings to be made as the clover provides a natural source of fertilizer and a MicroClover lawn is a low maintenance option.